It’s 22-minutes long, so don’t even think about watching unless you’re on high-speed, but this is an incredible, historic speech by U2’s Bono.
It’s 22-minutes long, so don’t even think about watching unless you’re on high-speed, but this is an incredible, historic speech by U2’s Bono.
Did you also know that Breast feeding is planned by God for mother to be forced to relax and rest with baby as they bond
Also … “breast fed babies” have the most wonderful smelling breath of any bottle fed baby (it is a ‘sweet’ smell)! AND those who are ‘strictly breast fed’ (no formula or food) have no nasty smell to their bowel movements (at least with my three babies – you included – these things were true)!
One more thing … when I had Stacia, I was experiencing my ‘first’ birth and a ‘surprise’ C-section to boot! I found it difficult to know how to hold my precious new baby to nurse her (football style worked best); I became somewhat anxious in nursing and my doctor told me that if I found it too difficult and painful to keep doing, that one day of breast feeding a newborn is better for the baby than not nursing the baby at all!
Have they told you the benefits of breastfeeding for the uterus in getting it back to shape … also a benefit!
Nursing is something that takes patience and practice, and working through some of the surprises that come with it (such as for some engorged breasts or constant leakage and cracked nipples), but there is so much help today that most women can manage well with having a good length of time with breast feeding their baby!
I know, you may not have wanted all of that explained here … who better than ‘your mother’ to share it; your mother who is still happy she breast fed her babies!
Always my love,
Go Momma Sheets. Yeah it sometimes can be difficult at first. People can say it is as easy as pie (sometimes it is), and then other people tell you that they didn’t want the trouble of being the sole provider of nutrition for your baby.
What they don’t realize that it is whole lot easier to roll over grab your baby at 2am 5am and 7:30 am, lay back down, and lift up your shirt, drift back to sleep then it is to warm up formula (you shouldn’t use a microwave!) in the midst of crying baby, who in the process wakes up daddy, hold baby sitting up whilst try to keep baby awake, and stuff all the formula down its throwt.
One question that you’ll get from mums who have formula fed their babies IF you choose to BF is… “HOW DO YOU KNOW THEY ARE GETTING ENOUGH?” Response: “Thank you for your concern, but the doctor says he is gaining weight just fine!”
With that all said, if for some reason BF doesn’t work out for you, don’t EVER feel like a failure. What ever method you end up doing you’ll get critisim from one side or the other. Just do what you know is going to work out best for you and your baby!
With excitement for you and your little one,
I agree with everything Momma Sheets said…
Bono’s speech was on breast feeding?
Stevan, what a speech…. whould love to talk to you about it sometime! Wow, so many thoughts…so much to think about… Quote of the Speech…”Stop asking God to bless what you are doing, but get involoved in what God is doing because it is already blessed”…. bk
I like Bill Leslie comment. My, My Stevaan…
aren’t you quite the uninhibited reporter these days. As you prepare for this journey, you are learning so much, aren’t you? Lots more to come…stay tuned!!!! :-)