Building Baby Stuff!

3.25.2006 — 10 Comments

This afternoon I finally took some time to build some of our “baby stuff”. We ARE going to have a baby sometime in the next month-ish, so I figured I might as well get a headstart on building the stuff for Baby Sheets!

First up – the stroller!

03.25.06 - BABY STUFF
the “before” shot – lot’s of pieces

03.25.06 - BABY STUFF

Next – the baby’s crib (a freebie from the Walls family in our church)

03.25.06 - BABY STUFF
No instructions, no one to tell me what this should look like when it’s put together…

03.25.06 - BABY STUFF
making progress… then Jess says, “Will that fit through the door to the baby’s room when it’s finished?”

03.25.06 - BABY STUFF
that’s a “no” to whether it will fit through the door or not… Now I have to take what I’ve already put together apart and move my work-area to the baby’s room

03.25.06 - BABY STUFF
a couple picture-views on the internet showed me that I was in-fact putting this bad-boy together correctly!

03.25.06 - BABY STUFF
the finished product!

Finally, the baby’s swing:

03.25.06 - BABY STUFF
pile ‘o pieces

03.25.06 - BABY STUFF
project: COMPLETE

I feel like an accomplished father-to-be! Seriously, though, the crib nearly crippled my ability to function as a “civilized” man. I had nearly given up on putting the thing together when I found a bag of hardware that I had forgotten belonged with the crib! It’s amazing what four “mattress frame hangers” can do for building a crib!

Today is a good day!

10 responses to Building Baby Stuff!

  1. Mom Garrett 3.25.2006 at 7:22 pm

    Wow! You did all of that in one afternoon? You will soon find out that the baby’s things will take over the house. But it is all so worth it.

  2. Momma Sweeny 3.27.2006 at 8:08 am

    You failed to mention time lapse w/your photos!! You did good. “That was easy”
    One month and counting!!

  3. stev give you 5 bucks to sit in the crib

  4. Momma Sheets 3.27.2006 at 1:38 pm

    Good jobS WELL DONE!!!!! I am so excited for you both!!!!!!!

    Can’t wait too!

    Love you!

  5. Hey Stevan,

    I’ll pay ya $10!!!!!(Monopoly money)
    hehehe…..sit in the crib!! sit in the crib!!!
    Hey, now i know who to go to when I get married and have a kid!!!


  7. Bill Leslie 3.27.2006 at 11:31 pm

    I’ll give you a dollar not to sit in crib. but
    you have to put dollar in baby sheets piggy

  8. Hey Bethany I’m with you!

  9. Momma Sheets 3.29.2006 at 11:31 am

    Hey all,

    Stevan was in a crib LONG enough!!!! Ask him!

    His mom who knows!

  10. I like the piggy bank idea, Bill! :-)

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