Finally, an update…

4.1.2006 — 5 Comments

No, we don’t have water breakage yet. We did, however spend a little time at the hospital. Diagnosis: Stevan has bronchitis. Remedy – antibiotics, Vicodin, and plenty of rest.

Seriously, Stevan is “down for the count” this time with bronchitis and pharyngitis. The drugs are doing their job, however, and Stevan is resting well. Sadly, he has been ordered NOT to attend services at church tomorrow. Thankfully there were plenty of helpful Warsaw Wesleyan’s to pick up the slack!

Jess is absolutely amazing – taking care of her sickly husband while carrying their baby as well!

Pray for both of us!

Copy-n-paste this message and send to all of your friends.

Happy April Fool’s Day! (be sure to read this post in Microsoft’s Internet Explorer to “get” the joke.)

5 responses to Finally, an update…

  1. Staci Wright 4.1.2006 at 10:49 pm

    Thanks for the IE note for Mozilla users…that was a good one. :-)

  2. I am glad that I know how to highlight the text so I could read the whole thing before I panicked!

  3. It’s good! You did a good one! Hooray for you!

    So sorry, Stevan that you are sicky!!! Praying for you and Jess and baby!!!

  4. Well I thought the whole joke was just that, a joke. I was wrong. Hope you are feeling better soon.

  5. Mom Garrett 4.2.2006 at 2:45 pm

    You got me good! I opened, reopened, and opened again before highlighting inorder to read your entire message for today.

    Hope you are feeling better today Stevan.

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