Contrary to popular belief (and the way I’ve felt over the last 5-days) – I’M NOT DEAD.
Sure my throat is still “tender” (by “tender” I mean that I feel as though I have to swallow through two tennis balls each time I swallow), my stomach is still “upset” (by “upset” I mean – you should’ve seen me hurl in the Doctor’s office sink on Monday!), my ears still feel “full” (by “full” I mean that I would probably be a dozen pounds lighter if the junk in my ears was no longer with me.)
But – after all of those “symptoms” and Doctor’s diagnosis of the “big three”: bronchitis, pharyngitis (what is this?), and now tonsilitis – I am beginning to feel better!
Seriously – after these numerous days of little more than watching the Spanish daytime soap operas (kidding!) and sleeping on the too-short-for-Stevan couch, I am finally finding myself sitting at the desk and typing away at the keyboard!
Sure I’m coughing up a “friend” every now and then, but who doesn’t need a friend to watch float down the sink every once-in-a-while (the mental picture there is something, isn’t it?)
So, please keep praying for “Sick Stevan” and PLEASE keep praying for his wonderful wife, Jessica and their baby who are both doing marvelously!
Back to the couch…
Glad you are feeling better! Can’t wait for you to get all the way back.
Hey I’m glad to see that you finally got back to the computer.That is a sign you must feel a little better.We have been praying for you. We will think twice before we have you at our house again. Sorry it affected you so badley
Praises for “Dr. Kinnan” who sent her own special medicine–Chicken Soup–on Tuesday! Thank you, thank you, thank you for thinking of Stevan as if he were a part of your family. There’s just something about Chicken Soup when you’re sick! :-) Make sure I give you back you Tupperware before the baby comes or you might never get it back! :-)
Oh dear!!! Stevan. I have been anxious to see your log appear once again. That means I can breathe easier. Please consider….after baby settled and in routine…having ENT doc examine you for consideration of whether they need to remove tonsils. Please make sure to push fluids!!! You need to flush out the yuck in your system. When forcing fluids, keep eye on blood pressure and if you have abnormal swelling in ankles, fingers, etc. That is for people that go a little overboard with force fluids. By the way….best ‘fluid’ to push is WATER, NOT SODA!!!!
Love and hugs
Hi. I am a old friend of Jessica’s from youth group. Please let her know that I said hi. Looks like you guys have a really nice family. Aaron Kipfer gave me your website address. Tell her I said hi and to drop me an e-mail sometime when she is not busy having the baby. :-) Take care and hope to hear from her soon.
Hey, get better… I am so sorry you havent felt well lately. I have been fighting this awful stuffy head and sore throat for a while now. Today I have 100 temp… I cant be sick!! Mommies have to keep going… Get lots of rest. Hope Jess is feeling well.
I hope you feel better soon, bro.