Today I finally felt well enough to help Jess finish the Baby’s room. I removed the futon, hung the “finishing touches” and gave it a thorough vacuuming.
Baby Sheets now has his/her own private dwelling in the Sheets Home to begin life!
April 27th is getting closer and closer!
Complete photoset of the completed room, including closeups of the original artwork by Mom Garrett here.
Thank you Mom Garrett for the tremendous help on the room yesterday!
Love the art work.
I am so happy for you guys… I remember when we got Noah’s room all ready and we would sit in it and talk about his arrival!! We couldnt wait… I am glad you are better. I have it now…. god bless…
Stevan, I am so happy you are feeling better! I hope you didn’t wear yourself out moving the futon out of the nursery on Sat. And you also Jessica. Hope you didn’t overdue it.
Yeahhhhhhh, the room is ready so baby Sheets can arrive any time! We cannot wait!!
Love you all three,
stev and jess, i am so excited for you, the room looks great! I love you both so much!
What a WONDERFUL room for baby!!! I am in awe of the artwork. Beeeautiful job, Mom Garrett!!
Hey Stev……I sure hope you have good health insurance that enables you to feel like you can’t afford NOT to go to ENT for further investigation of your tonsils, after baby here and settled. Please tell me you have good health insurance!!!
Great Suzy’s Zoo stuff. I wouldn’t expect anything less. Also, do you guys have blackout shades on the window beside baby’s bed? Just wondering. Good luck on things and can’t wait to see pics of baby Sheets.
Crib Environment #1.
Do not place crib next to a window. Drapery and blind cords pose an entanglement hazard and window screens are not intended to keep a child in, only insects out.