Absolutely the greatest bottle-rocket launcher ever.

4.10.2006 — 4 Comments

This guy makes me jealous.

Video of the launcher launching 2-gross (288) bottle rockets here (10mb mpeg).

Dude’s website here.

I’m pretty sure that if I still lived at home, my Dad and I would’ve built this by now.

4 responses to Absolutely the greatest bottle-rocket launcher ever.

  1. Aunt Bonnie 4.11.2006 at 6:33 am

    I worry about you!!!!

  2. I think we all do!

  3. Aunt Bea’s Husband 4.11.2006 at 4:46 pm

    That is WAY TOO COOL! Can I come over and play?

  4. I’m in California!!! :)

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