4.16.2006 — 5 Comments

Easter Dinner
After two great services this morning, Jess and I enjoyed lunch at Mad Anthony’s with Pastor Bill & June Kinnan.

Easter Dinner

After lunch we came home, relaxed, watched “Fun with Dick & Jane” and then did some gardening!



Planted our mint seeds as well as our “start” of Peppermint plant.

Documentation below and here.

Mint planting
All of my gardening skills I learned at IWU from my mother.

Mint planting
Planted the mint in our drainage ditch behind the garage – LOTS of water = LOTS of mint = LOTS of mint tea eventually!

Garden Beginnings
Scraping an “outline” for our eventual garden which we’ll begin tilling this week!

Garden Beginnings
Sure, right NOW it looks like a bunch of grass – you just wait, Mister…

Indoor Herb Garden in-a-box
Stevan gets the OUTSIDE garden, Jess gets the INSIDE garden.

5 responses to HAPPY EASTER

  1. Manual labor? On a Sunday? Especially Easter Sunday? Whatever were you thinking??

    Can’t wait to see pictures of the mint as it grows! both gardens as well!

  2. Hey Stevan…or should I call you Martha Stewart ;)
    I am so proud that you are exploring new avenues…gardening…wow! Make sure you fertilize!

  3. Aunt Bonnie 4.17.2006 at 7:24 am

    WOW!!!Great photos!!!!! Thanks for sharing.
    Hey…I believe those mint plants will be doubly blessed: planted on Easter Sunday; great visual of ‘Rise Again’.
    Tell baby we can’t wait to meet “her”.

  4. Adorable pictures of you guys. Can’t wait to see the face of the third and hidden member of the Stevan & Jessica Sheets family!

    Love, Aunt Pam

  5. great pictures. good luck with your gardening.

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