Jess is 1-centimeter dilated and 70% efaced.
She experienced yet another mild contraction during the sonogram and the doctor said that if she doesn’t go into hard labor tomorrow or Thursday that she needs to come in on Friday for a blood pressure check.
She is experiencing some pretty incredible swelling in her legs and feet these days and has a pretty bad pain through her back, too.
Continue to pray for baby and mother (and Dad!).
We’re excited and waiting for water-breakage!
I’m off to a softball game (first of the season). I tilled through the entire garden this afternoon and found atleast two large roots that will need to be hacked through with an axe. Anyone got an axe I could borrow?
yea stev!!! I am so excited!
also…i had to look the word “efaced” up on google… and for those who were confused as I was it means that the cervix is getting thinner…
I will pray for both of you. Know that you are being thought of and prayed for and we are so very very happy for you. This is exciting for you… Your little miracle is almost here… GOd bless.
Wow that’s great! I can hardly wait for you both. Hey Jess, can you please call me, we need to talk about meals after baby comes.
Stev, Henry might have an axe. I’ll ask him.
This babe is bound for birthing, this babe.
This babe is bound for birthing, I’m not telling you a story, this babe is bound for birthing … SOON!!! Can’t wait!!! With great anticipated excitement!!!
(I wonder if this babe’s daddy will have his normal resulting from this extreme excitement?) HUM??
Love you lots farmer boy!
Isn’t this exciting!!!!!!!!. We love you guys
Oh, goody, goody!!!
But, people! I could still go on like this for another week or two…..couldn’t I? Although, I really am having contractions today. They’re far apart, though….My principal flipped out when he found out and asked my why I was still at school. I told him I was working until I couldn’t work anymore and he just laughed and made me promise to let him know as soos as I couldn’t make it anymore!:-)His wife is an OB nurse so he understands all of this perfectly!
I’m sure my first graders are wondering what is going on around here–all of the teachers keep stopping in to check on me about every twenty minutes! :-)
Of course you could, but why think about that. :) Jessi went over her due date by 4 days and she had contractions all of those days and even before her due date. Everyone told her to walk – so we did…everyday…and she said all she got was sore feet. :) Very frustrating, but in the end I PROMISE YOU – you won’t remember the frustration! :-D Good Luck! You’re in our prayers!
PTL!! so happy for you both!! Jess, yes you could and won’t give you all the coulda, maybes and such. God has you in HIS hands and this precious bundle of joy will come in HIS (the lords) time and you never know… it could be TODAY :) Praying for you, baby and Stev!!! Take care… Stev remeber to breath.
tee hee
God Bless!!!