Stevan – Constant Gardener

4.18.2006 — 6 Comments

Tilling the Garden - Day 1
note the “intense” facial expression

Tilling the Garden - Day 1
Finally got through the whole plot in about 2-hours – now if I can just go back through with an axe and clean out the HUGE roots!

Tilling the Garden - Day 1
quite possibly the whitest legs in Warsaw (or maybe even Indiana!)

Tilling the Garden - Day 1
there is something terribly wrong with wearing work boots and shorts (not to mention white socks), but who cares, right?! Right.

Softball Game #1 – We won.

6 responses to Stevan – Constant Gardener

  1. Aunt Bonnie 4.19.2006 at 7:35 am

    Hey….I think boots with socks look quite stylish. A bit ‘new’ and clean maybe, but looks like they will get a workout. Congrats on your Softball game!!! The other day I heard something that rang true to me: if you wanna wear a hat, flower pin, bling, color when everyone else comes in black and white….GO FOR IT!! I don’t necessarily believe in doing something just to be odd or different; to stand out. But, for instance, the other day I looked at floral pins, in a drawer, that I made a while back. Our girls think they are dorky, but I pulled one out and wore it to CVS the other day. The clerk smiled and said, “My, don’t you look happy, and like spring”. Now!!! that is exactly what I felt inside and it came through to someone else. I took my floral pin off that she complimented and gave it to her. She said, “that is the nicest thing that anyone has done for me in a while.” See…..I am spreading ‘dorky’ around.

  2. I love the last comment!! Hey, I think my husband has whiter legs… hee hee. How is Jess.. Is she home resting or still working? I am so thrilled for you guys. Good luck with the gardening project. I know tilling can be difficult!!

  3. White legs are better than burned buns…..

  4. sweet job on the win…i think we lost 12-0…not pretty

  5. Momma Sweeny 4.19.2006 at 10:56 am

    As my brother always says–“When they’re talkin’ about my pearly whites–it’s not my teeth!!!”
    Momma Sweeny

  6. Momma Sheets 4.19.2006 at 12:42 pm

    I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that snap picture of you in your “Happy Easter” entry! You have my son’s adorable face and trickiness and I love it! OHHHH!…you are my son!!!!

    Love you, love who you are and what you are and what you are doing (well at least 90% of what you do)!

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