Contractions Continue!

4.19.2006 — 4 Comments

Tonight we timed three contractions in a row.

9:30PM – 9:40PM – 10:00PM

I think I will sleep with one eye open (and with my rainsuit on!) tonight.

Jess is doing absolutely amazing. She is able to talk to me throughout the contractions and gives me the play-by-play about where she’s feeling the pain.

Tomorrow’s plan (if there is no baby birthing…) – get up “early-ish” and get out to the freshly tilled garden. I purchased an axe tonight at Lowe’s and am ready to swing and remove those pesky roots from our yard. Once the roots are clear, I will continue to till until we’ve got a garden full of loose dirt!

4 responses to Contractions Continue!

  1. HI! I keep checking your blog and checking to see what is happening.. I am so nervous for you guys. excited but it brings back those great memories when we had our first child…hope Jess is getting lots of rest. will be praying.

  2. Aunt Bonnie 4.20.2006 at 7:00 am

    And it begins……..

  3. I was actually going to call you today and see what was going on. We’re in Indiana this week and coming to Warsaw today to make some visits. May call you anyway to check on the baby update.

    So excited for you guys!!

  4. Oh my gosh! Good luck guys. I pray that everything goes well. Can’t wait to see pictures. I love that picture of you at Easter. You all make a cute couple. Hugs to you!!!!

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