Nesting (v.) nes-ting
1. My wife continuing to put things away.
2. My wife cutting coupons for the first time in our married life (for diapers!)
3. My wife baking 2 batches of chocolate-chip cookies.
4. My wife walking back and forth in and from the baby’s room.
5. My wife washing all of the dishes and complaining about the cups that I washed and didn’t stack correctly to allow “optimal drying”.
No baby yet. No water breakage. No hospital run. Just pain – every 10-minutes or so.
If I had abs as hard as my wife’s tummy right now, I would be ab-alicious.
Do you think dads “nest” before a baby?
I spent 6-hours outside today. 5.5 of those hours were spent working on our soon-to-be garden. I tilled, I pounded on some of the biggest roots in North America with my new axe – I even picked out numerous “baby roots” with my hands to make the dirt look better! (dirt look better?)
Jess DID NOT go to school this morning – a good sign that baby is near, I think.
She got her blood-test results (they took her blood on Tuesday) and everything is normal. However, since she has been having constant contractions, the Doctor wants to see her tomorrow morning. We’ll be there at 8:30AM.
One last thing –
Timing contractions – definitely one of those things that seemed easier in movies and on paper than it has been in real-life.
Oh my goodness! the speculation & the lengths at which loving, caring neighbors will go through to “check” up on you! Please DO NOT call the police if you see a green van circling your place.
We are praying for you and are so excited.
We are praying for you all!!! Very excited too.
I was thinking about how, many times, folks concentrate on what is happening to the adults but not as much about what the precious baby must be experiencing. We watched National Geographic’s ‘The Womb’ (an excellent documentary to view!!). Of course, it is the way God set everything up for ‘birthing’. Baby amazingly is resilient(spell?)and flows with everything. But can you imagine what it would be like. Talk about claustrophobia!!!!
We still have Ben’s “paper” in the big family Bible. It’s fun taking that out and looking at the “contraction times” every once in awhile–even 24 years later!!! Love you guys–be praying
Momma Sweeny
I am praying for you guys too. I am headed down to see my mom this weekend but will try to keep a watch on your blog for latest word.
Love, Aunt Pam