On the way … to the movies?

4.22.2006 — 1 Comment


Jess exclaimed numerous times today, “I’m BORED!” as she continues to monitor her 10-minute-apart contractions. She finally said, “Is there any movie out that we want to see?”

I literally laughed, thinking she was joking, but knowing that deep down I would LOVE to go to the movies.

I told her the couple of movies we were wanting to see that were currently in theaters and she plugged in her hot rollers to do her hair!

So, we’re on our way to see “The Sentinel” this afternoon here in town and I just have this recurring thought of just how cool it would be to tell the theater manager, “I’m sorry about the wet seat!” as we ran out to head to the hospital.

Thank you for those who continue to check in here at stevansheets.com to get the latest updates on our very own “Baby Story”! We’ll continue to keep you updated!

One response to On the way … to the movies?

  1. Oh shoot! I was hoping you were at the hospital.

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