Ella Marie Sheets was born on April 23, 2006 at 11:24PM at the Kosciusko Community Hospital. She weighed in at 8lbs., 3ounces and she was 20.5 inches long!
She’s beautiful.
She’s a miracle.
She’s an absolute blessing from the Lord!
You’ve been waiting. We’ve been waiting. Finally, the wait is over!
Mom and Baby are absolutely terrific.
Jess did have to have Ella via emergency c-section (thank you for praying!). After some initial complications, everything is absolutely fantastic.
Ella is a happy-sleeper. She’s so “content”, I guess. Jess is doing wonderful at providing nutrition for her new baby girl. We are both so thrilled with our bundle of God-blessed baby!
Some pictures:

More pictures here.
Even a video clip:
WELCOME Ella Marie Sheets (this is “Grandma SALLY Sheets” – to you)! I am SOOOOOO excited! I can’t wait to see you in person!!!!! I am going to kiss you, hug you, and chew on your face (a bit)!!
“Grandpa PAUL Sheets” is now looking over my shoulder and he is a excited as I am!!! We want you to know we absolutely love you and think you are adorable!!!!!
We will be there in a jiffy, in the meantime you enjoy getting to know your parents and your other grandparents (Garretts)!
Love you so dearly!
Grandma and Grandpa S&P Sheets
OH, love to your parents too we are soooo proud of them both!!!!
Wes gave me the message this morning at 1:30am that Ella had been born…we were thinking about you all last night! My heart overflows with love an joy for the new life you brought to the world! Ella Marie is so precious! Jess, I’m so proud of you…you are a wonderful mom already…I can tell :)
Stev, you did it! Thank you for calling and keeping us posted. You both will be great parents! We wish we could be there with you to hold Ella and give her our love…but we are sending our love and hugs to you today!!!
MUCH LOVE!!! Ellen & Wes
Oh My she is beautiful! God bless you all. Thank you for sharing this momentous occasion with us.
For once I am nearly speechless.
She is beautiful! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!
Congratulations. She is beautiful.
So beautiful!! She’s a keeper.
I’m glad that Jess’s parents were able to be there.
I had a hard time getting back to sleep, keep thinking of things I wanted to buy for Ella, but I was very happy that you called me.
I love you guys.
Momma Sweeny
Congratulations, you guys! A girl is so fun – what a blessing! :) She is adorable…great pics.
Absolutely amazing! You both have a gorgeous baby (as if you didn’t already know that). We’re so happy for you all. Welcome, little Ella, to this world! Congratulations!!!!
~ Glen & Natalie
We are soooo excited for you guys! Little Ella is adorable!!!! We will be praying for you guys in the coming weeks as you adjust to having this new little bundle of joy around! 7 more weeks and Eddie and I will be joining you in the parent club! It’s a great place to be in life, isn’t it?!?! Love ya guys!
~Eddie and MM
OH MY WORD that video was awesome!! Her cry is hillarious!!! I love the little wimper!! I can’t wait to meet her and hold her and be a freakin AUNT!!!!!!! Can I sneak her her first cup of coffee? How about ear piercings before parental permission?! What about hooking her on costume jewelry or introducing a new hobby each time I see her?! I’m so excited for you two….. yet it is still a little surreal!!
Oh, and I’m not sure “Miss Rachel” got ur jokes.
WOW! What a beauty! Thanks for sharing these precious photos of our second Great Granddaughter! We think Ella Marie looks like Stevan at this point……sorry, Jess! Perhaps the Garrett will become more visible to us with time! Of course, there just may be a little bit of prejudice here!!!!!!! Can’t wait to squeeze Ella!
Great Great Grandma Ella Grace Story is pleased as PUNCH!
We are SO thrilled for all of you! It was such a privilege to meet Baby Ella this afternoon! She is beautiful!!! Congratulations and hope that c-section recovery goes smoothly! Much love!
Deanna Greene
Congratulations on your perfect little bundle of Ella! Welcome to a whole new world of fulfillment and joy! Bring her to Oregon soon so I can hold her!!!!!!
Congratulations Stevan! You have embarked on, in my opinion, the most fulfilling journey a man can experience…that of fatherhood! Hold her, irregardless what anyone says, as long as you can. She is only little once…enjoy every moment of it. May Jess heal quickly.
We are SO happy for the three of you! Parenthood is awesome! Congratulations!
Wow!! Congratulations on your beautiful baby girl!! She definitely is precious. We’re praying for a speedy recovery for Jess and sleep-filled nights at home for all of you.
Tim and Susan
LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT! She’s gorgeous! Congratulations, Jess & Stevan! Ya’ll done GOOOOOOOOOOOD! Can’t wait to smother her with hugs and kisses! Love you all!
David & Bea
Steve and I send our congratulations via Michigan. Will hope to see Mommy, Daddy and Ella soon. Those eyes, she is checking you out…that’s my daddy? They are beautiful!!! Praying for a quick healing and recovery for you Jess. Rest lots and just be a mommy! Love you, Rita
Awesome! Congrats!
Congratulations you 3! You made it! And she’s beautiful. :)
I’m sure we’ll hear all about it on Sunday from Grandma & Grandpa Garrett. lol
She is as gorgeous as her name. I agree with Great-grandma Sheets….I see Stevan’s features very prominently in her sweet face and alert eyes. I told Sher that I liked her name “Stevella” that she penned. I cannot wait to see and hold her. Welcome Ella, and congratulations to Jess and Stevan. Praise the Lord.
Aunt Bea
CONGRATES!!! What exciting times!! She looks sooo cute!!
Lots of Love and Prayers,
Oh no – I think Ella looks like Jessica. The Stevella was just a way to say who was in the picture – the one of jess and ella is named jessella…. i just don’t like spaces because my brother told me once that spaces add work to the processing of the computer…. :) Sorry Stev and Jess… I’m actually a Sheets who thinks Ella looks like a Garrett! :) Love you all!! But Stevella and Jessella could be a very cute name for a child… so maybe I should copywrite them!?
Wow! She is absolutely beautiful. A definite blessing from God. I will be praying for you all. I pray that Jess is recovering well from the delivery. Hopefully I will be able to meet your wonderful family when I come home the end of June. God bless!
CONGATULATIONS!!!!!! I can’t wait to make it home and see her. Mom said she got a call at 2:30 and almost called me. I am sooooooooo happy for you guys!
Congratulations! Thanks for sharing the pictures and videos with us! I look forward to lots more Ella updates!
Congratulations you guys! We are so happy for you. Jess, we’ll be praying for your quick recovery so you can fully enjoy your new role as mommy!
Yea!!!! We are so excited! She’s gorgeous, but of course we knew she would be! She’s is a perfect creation that our Father has blessed ALL of us with! Thank you for sharing her first pictures with us! Enjoy her! Hugs and kisses are sent to you!
Stev and Jess, congratulations! I can not believe that you guys have a baby now! She is absolutely beautiful. I’m so happy for your new family! I can’t wait to come home from Warsaw and meet Ella. Miss you guys and love you guys!! been thinking and praying for ya a lot lately! i’m glad all is well and everyone is healthy! I can’t imagine a huger miracle!
She is so precious. I am so happy for both of you. This is the best thing in life… becoming parents. Jess, do take care of yourself (I too had an emergency c section!!) and enjoy being a mommy. Stevan you are going to be the best daddy… She is going to be a daddy’s girl I am sure. I will continue to pray for all of you. What a beautiful family The Sheets Family is!!!!
Ain,t God good !!!
WHAT A BEAUTIFUL BABY !!!! We are soooooooooo\
happy for both of you. You will be such a good mommy and daddy.
Dear Ella Marie,
Everything about you is beautiful and precious! You are a very special little girl and our first granddaughter! And what a blessing to have the mommy and daddy that you have. We look forward to doing lots and lots of grandma and grandpa things with you . We love you so very much and can’t wait to see and hold you again……………………..
Dear Stevan and Jessica,
Thank you so much for allowing us to be at the hospital as you awaited the arrival of “Ella Marie”. We are sooooooo proud of you both. God is so good to allow us as parents to see our children have children. Especially when you know without a shadow of a doubt, what very special parents they will be. Ella is blessed, you are blessed, we are blessed,Grandma and Grandpa Sheets is blessed, etc… yes everyone is blessed because of Ella’s birth. It’s just a BLESSED DAY!
Love you all three,
Grandma & Grandpa Garrett
I didn’t want to leave my most gorgeous new niece! She is a miracle indeed! And Sher, when i held her she told me she can’t wait to see her other favorite auntie either!!! I wish you could have held her today too…
And Jess & Stev…you 2 make beautiful babies! nice job!
Love you three!!!
Auntie Jaymie
We are so very proud of you both. Congratulations!!!! Ella is so precious and we love her name. God has really blessed you with this child. We will be checking your website often for updates. We cannot wait to see pictures of the new Grandpa and Grandma Sheets with Ella. Bye for now. Bob and Linda
Jess you are an amazing woman! Thank you for sharing Ella’s precious time with me today. It was wonderful to finally hold her!
Congrats Family~
Great to see pics of the new little ones in your life. I’m sure you are happy, and more overwhelmed with it than you could have imagined. Proud of you both, especially Jess. Can’t wait to see you all. Have a great day.
I just want to say that South Carolina is a very depressing place to be right now. 500 miles away…. a new life entering the world…. my brother’s biggest day ever… my sister in law’s most physically traumatica and amazing and wonderful experience ever…. I just wanna be there!! Jaymie-thank you for talking to Ella about me! There will for sure be a cloud following me until I arrive in Indiana!!!! Keep the pictures coming! I love you all and wish with all of my heart I were there!!!!!
Congrats Stevan, we wish the best for you and your family