One of the Oscar-winners from a couple years ago that I never saw has finally “wound up” on TBS in an edited-for-television format worthy of making its way onto my DVR.
I’m glad I chose to record this one!
Crash is one-director’s (Paul Haggis) look into the issue of racism.
The movie is full of common (and some un-common) scenes of racial profiling, racial tension, and racial innuendos.
The end does give us a bit of “hope” amidst the darkness and depth of racial-tension throughout the movie. This “hope” is in the form of a mere “look” and an unspoken promise by one of the main characters to think-differently. Each character, in fact, has a similar “moment” of realization – both good and bad.
What I enjoyed most in the movie is how each character or set-of-characters interacts with other characters throughout the movie – their stories literally intersect with the other stories of other characters.
I was grateful for TBS’s work at editing MOST of the profanity out of the film. I could get used to this waiting until it comes out on tv business.