Prison Break: Season 3 = absolutely amazing

2.19.2008 — 4 Comments

You want a heart-pounding, sweat-inducing, gut-wrenching, nervous-making television show to enjoy with your spouse? Season 3 of Prison Break was all of that and more for Jess and I.

Tonight was the season finale. Of course it was open-ended – I expected nothing less. There were a few curve balls thrown my way even though I thought I had it “all figured out” – which makes me all the more excited about the start of Season 4.

Confession: Jess and I have NOT seen even PART of season’s one or two and are STILL in-the-know-enough to enjoy this entire season. If anyone ‘local’ has access to the Season 1 & 2 DVD sets, please let us know!

The premise of Season 3 is exactly as it sounds – breaking out of prison – in Panama. It’s hot, it’s difficult, and of-course dangerous. We’re hooked and hoping for numerous seasons following this one!

4 responses to Prison Break: Season 3 = absolutely amazing

  1. Stevan, Ruth and I are with you on the Prisonbreak series. Allen

  2. Can you let me know if Sarah is alive? For some reason, I think the season 3 finale left me with the thought that she may still be alive. LJ said he found the rose in the room she was in, he also said earlier that he heard the screams but closed his eyes. I hope she is alive.
    Also we never saw Kellerman dying, just assuming he died at the end of season 2.
    Ithink both Sarah and Kellerman are alive but maybe in different places.

  3. But wasn’t it Sarah’s head in the box????

  4. That’s just gross to read and I typed it!

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