Went with Mike & Tom to see a matinée of Vantage Point on Tuesday this week in Delafield.
I thoroughly enjoyed this film. The plot and re-plot and re-plot, even. I guessed a major portion of “what happens” pretty early on, but was not discouraged to continue to be pulled-in to the film. I love the way it was shot and how it takes us through various ‘vantage points’ quite literally.
I was a little disgusted at Dennis Quaid’s wholesome, “family-friendly” image being quickly tarnished by dropping a very weird f-bomb near the end of the movie.
Quick soap-box: Why do producers/writers/directors feel the need to insert these nasty little 4-letter-words – especially in situations where it seems awkward and rehearsed and unnatural (yes, I’m saying that for some characters those words ARE natural – you work with some of them, don’t you?)…
All in all, the movie was good. The storyline revolves around a terrorist attack in Spain and I found it interesting that all “religiosity” was removed from the film surrounding the terrorists intentions. I also enjoyed a line that exclaimed that the government has used “body doubles” since the Reagan-era. Makes me wonder…