I took Brad, one of my teens, on a road-trip with me this afternoon down to Deerfield, IL to pick up a dresser that was offered to our family. The dresser is an amazing blessing and allows us to put one of our other dressers into our guest room! Jess is having fun rearranging all of her dresser-items into their new home as I type this.

Anyways… we were also offered a 50-inch projection screen television, but I knew we wouldn’t have room in our minivan to put the tv, so I politely declined. When we arrived to pick up the dresser, we were once-again offered the tv and we made the attempt to fit it in the van along with the dresser.
It fit:
What a gift! We would NEVER have been able to buy a television anywhere NEAR this nice on our own! Thank you to our Deerfield friends and to the Swansons for connecting us! We’re also thankful to the Lord for providing these unique blessings for our family!
Be interesting what Ella will think when she sees the “life-size” Backyardigans!!!! on your new TV
Like the dresser too, looks sharp!
LOVe ya and wish Ella a happy b’day for me please!!!!
That is one sweet setup. I’m very happy for you.
wow what a blessing!!
Thank you Deerfield and Swansons families. You’ve blessed more than the Sheets! I’m coming to visit again!
Yea, Kory!
Momma Sweeny–the first thing Ella said when she walked into the living room the next morning and saw the giant tv was…”On?” :-)
wow dude! That rocks! Now we have even more proof that Jesus DOES love you!