400 Free Digital Prints from ArtsCow

4.28.2008 — 3 Comments

Jess found this deal while reading a blog she frequents (Freebies4Mom), and it’s too good of a deal to NOT pass on to the stevansheets.com readership (and possibly earn some more free prints myself!)

Here’s the deal:

A new digital photo printing site, ArtsCow is offering 400 free digital prints by signing up RIGHT NOW! You just have to register and login and the prints are credited to your account immediately. There is a nominal shipping fee, but for 400 free prints, who WOULDN’T pay shipping?!

If you click this link to register, I will also become your “referral” and get some more free prints myself!

Let me know if you’ve taken the offer!

Apparently they’re also offering everyone who signs up in the near future a free “photo book” next month!

Remember, there’s no cost to sign up so sign up as our referral!

3 responses to 400 Free Digital Prints from ArtsCow

  1. Comments are back up!

  2. thanks. I signed up but it didn’t give the referral option…

  3. This is awesome! Thanks for sharing! I signed up but the referral link didn’t work…so sorry!

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