Video of Ella running in the rain

4.28.2008 — 2 Comments

04.25.08 – Ella in the garage during the rain from navets on Vimeo.

Also viewable on, of course.

2 responses to Video of Ella running in the rain

  1. Grandma Sally Sheets (aka-“Mom”) 4.29.2008 at 9:21 pm

    OH MY…OH DEAR…SILLY…Goofy? What does she say after you first ask her if she is goofy and she says goofy, then she says something else and you laugh heartily? What did she say? I played it through three times and still I don’t know what she said! It is withing the first minute or a bit longer.

    I absolutely LOVED the capture of her young energy in learning to experience walking into nearly a run! She is so interesting!!!

    I SOOOO loved her “gank you” and a perfect and distinct “YES” and then “GRAPES”! Grandpa Paul knew she was saying “grapes” before you did Stev (and before I did)!

    LOVED, LOVED, LOVED the video, and it was indeed well worth the over four hours it took to download it on our Dial-up!

    See you soon Ella!

    Much love,
    Grandma Sally


  2. MomGarrett/Mamaw LeeAnn 4.29.2008 at 10:26 pm

    Oh that was adorable! Papaw Garrett and I are still smiling after watching energetic Ella playing in the rain and her enjoying her sandals smacking on the cement! The “purple grapes” was a great description of the flower. Out of the mouth of babes! I just love it!
    Thank you for sharing. This was wonderful to watch.

    Love you all three,
    Mom/Mamaw LeeAnn

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