Some new tools!

5.1.2008 — 1 Comment

This afternoon we made a quick-trip up to North of Milwaukee to the town of Shorewood, Wisconsin. I found a guy on Craigslist who was selling 8 lathe-tools for too-good of a deal to pass up! While we were on the road I got a call from the church office asking me if I was at home for my buddy Pat to come by and drop off some lathe tools he was giving to me! In one day, I’ve increased my woodturning tools from 3 to 14! Now to find some time to get outside to try them out!

One response to Some new tools!

  1. Momma Sweeny 5.5.2008 at 6:21 am

    Pop Sweeny wants to see some pictures of your new tools!!! He wants to see what ya got.

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