My first Euro-style pen!

6.10.2008 — 4 Comments

Tonight I dove into my next pen-making project. I bought the kit yesterday at Woodcraft and started working on the pen tonight just after supper.

We took a break to go to our Home Group at 7 and I came right back to the lathe after we got home and put Ella to bed. Bless my little heart, I spent nearly 2-hours on this bad-boy and am proud of each minute behind the lathe! This is MY pen. This will be my conversation-piece for sure. This will be the one you can find in my pocket or attached to my moleskine journal! It’s a Euro-style pen which means it’s beefier than the standard “slim-line” (read: beginner) pens that I’ve turned thus far and as such it cost more but if you held this in your hand you would understand the necessity of a guy like me having a pen like this. Next step up in pen-design is considered a “cigar-style” pen & being a good Wesleyan Pastor like me, I decided to NOT get one of those just yet. (Okay, they were even pricier than the Euro-style, but eventually I will be a cigar-style-carrying pen-turner for sure!)

I wish I could send handmade pens to each person that’s complimented me publicly and privately thus far. Maybe when I’m “good-enough” I can offer some Stevan-made pens here for sale? Those of you in my family – please be as delighted to receive one of these treasures for upcoming holidays as I have been in making them!

Note to future pen-turners: the glue that we use to attach the brass-insert tubes into the wood blanks is quite powerful stuff. I think I will have permanently glued fingertips.

Here she is:

4 responses to My first Euro-style pen!

  1. My wife was wondering what I want for Father’s Day. Sell her one of these.

  2. dude that is sweet… I could go for one of those cigar pens, especially since I get ordained this year, I could sign Rev. with a cigar…how cool is that. lol

  3. I’m thinking you should make a nice pen (with blue ink…hint hint)for your dear friend/sister who is heading to Asbury Seminary!

  4. Very nice, Stevan. Actually I am impressed. good work!!!

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