My new phone & our weekend getaway

9.5.2008 — 3 Comments

Tonight Jess and I “bit-the-bullet” and both got new cell phones! Mine is the LG Rumor, which features and incredible full-keyboard that slides out from the back to allow for quicker texting – something I will grow to love for sure.

The new phones were the bonus to needing to upgrade our service plan agreement with Sprint. The plan that we had for the last few years isn’t even available anymore and we actually feel quite “hip” with our new plan that includes unlimited txt, picture, and video mail! Be sure and follow me on Twitter to keep up on the latest pictures and videos that I take with my new phone!

The Sheets family is heading off tomorrow for a weekend away. We’re looking forward to the time together!

3 responses to My new phone & our weekend getaway

  1. Cousin Britt 9.6.2008 at 1:26 pm

    Gotta love those LG phones. I have an Lg EnV from Verizon and I tell you what those full qwerty keyboards are something that I now cannot live without!! Enjoy your phone and welcome to the world of picture, video and text messaging!! :)

  2. Rich (Bro In Law) 9.8.2008 at 7:20 am

    Let us be silent that we may hear the whispers of the gods. (Ralph Waldo Emerson 1803-1882)

  3. Momma Sweeny 9.8.2008 at 2:46 pm

    You’ll have to tell me all about your weekend getaway!!
    Love ya,

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