To you, O God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, my Creator, Redeemer, and Sanctifier, I give up myself entirely. May I no longer serve myself, but you, all the days of my life…
I give you my understanding…
I give you my will…
I give you my affections…
I give you my body…
I give you all my worldly goods…
I gie you my credit and reputation…
I give you myself and my all…
O my God and my all, when hereafter I shall be tempted to break this solemn engagement, when I shall be pressed to conform to the world and to the company and customs that surround me, may my answer be: “I am not my own. I am not for myself, not for the world, but for my God. I will give unto God the things that are God’s. God, be merciful to me a sinner.”
-John Wesley’s Prayer of Submission from A Collection of Forms of Prayer; adapted from A Longing for Holiness – Selected Writings of John Wesley, ©1997 by Upper Room Books