Just read a great article about Denny’s and their quest for “taking back share” by giving away Grand Slam breakfasts the other week. I also read a great question about wondering what would happen if churches did the same thing?!
We’re in a recession. Times are tough for most families. People will continue to look for “free” or “cheaper” alternatives. I think the church needs to embrace this truth and provide answers!
Our church has already responded somewhat with our twice-a-month Family Nights. Family Night provides 2-hours of FREE entertainment! It’s a great opportunity to get out and get active by playing sports together as a family and/or fellowshipping while others play sports!
Another opportunity on my radar – Angel Food Ministries. I wonder what kind of response our church would have to this kind of ministry?
Our church is an inner-city work in Charleston, WV and we DO serve a FREE BREAKFAST meal every Sunday morning. We started it 2 years ago and it’s been an excellent way to connect with our community. We put up a sign, handed out some fliers and served 18 the first Sunday. Currently we are serving 60-80 people each week. Some attend our worship services, some do not. It’s been a God-thing from the very beginning and we love it.
hey we do angel food man it is a great ministry and many people get invlovled in the community. We get more non church people ordering than churched!! It has been a blessed ministry.