For three hours on Saturday, I was joined by a few men from our church at a local gas station for about three hours as we offered to top-off the washer fluid reservoirs of unsuspecting patrons.
We called the act “LOVE SHIP” and it’s the second event of its kind that our church has done in the past couple of months (we handed out 288 double-rolls of Scotch tape a few weeks before Christmas). We also launched a “landing page” website: http://iloveship.com and began advertising it during this outreach. We’re hoping that people will be drawn to the website and there can find out more about why a group of people were out loving their neighbors in the mid 20-degree weather.
I was grateful for a few conversations yesterday and more-so for the experience of trying something like this for the first time and learning a thing or two for the next time! I was also thankful for our guys from the church that gave up a few hours of their Saturday to serve our community in this way!