Seven years ago today I stood before the Lord, our family and our friends and made a covenant to love and cherish Jessica Marie for the rest of my life.

Thank you Jess for loving me unconditionally these past seven years! I love you!
Seven years ago today I stood before the Lord, our family and our friends and made a covenant to love and cherish Jessica Marie for the rest of my life.
And we are so glad you are a part of our extended family Stevan. You and Jessica’s love for one another stands out to all who meet you. Happy Anniversary!
I love you, Baby! It doesn’t seem like it’s been that long and if we both live to be 102, we can make it for 70 more years together! :-)
Don’t you think we should put everyone at ease and let them know we think this is the dorkiest picture of us kissing!?! LOL! I love you! Glad we’ve improved on our smooching technique!