Losing Baby Tooth #3

1.29.2012 — 2 Comments

our 5-year-old tooth-pulling machine

Ella pulled out her third baby tooth last night. In total, I captured almost 2.5gb of video of the ordeal – almost an hour’s worth. After she finally went to bed last night I edited it down to about 3.5-minutes and uploaded it to YouTube. Enjoy!

She told us last night that she couldn’t wait to walk down the aisle at church to show everyone her new toothless smile. Her other top-front tooth is quite loose, too, so I expect that to come out probably within the week!

2 responses to Losing Baby Tooth #3

  1. Gramma/Mom/Sally 1.29.2012 at 8:44 am

    “It’s like turning an umbrella in the rain”…SO interesting! “I’m not crying because I’m sad, it’s because I’m so excited”…NOT nervous!!! I soooooooooooooooooo love that girl and that boy needing bed in the background!

  2. Thank you Stevan for putting this online so Dad G. and I can see from afar. And to you, sweet Ella….YAYYYYY from grandma and a big hug for being soooo brave! Love you a bushel and a peck and a love around the neck. Let us know what the tooth fairy brings you.

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