Understatement of the year as a blog post title? Check.
I guess it should really be, “Time management isn’t easy (for me)”. There are MANY people in this world who are literal ‘kings’ of time management and productivity and I’m often overwhelmed when I receive nuggets of information from some of them on how to increase my skills in these areas.
Recently a friend of mine, Erik Fisher launched a brand new podcast entitled “Beyond the to do list”. I’ve listened to a few of his episodes now and am continuing to glean useful information from each of them.
I’d be selfish not to share this resource with the stevansheets.com readers and others who may share in needing an overhaul of their time management and productivity skills.
Head over to beyondthetodolist.com and check out an episode or two and see what I’m talking about. I’d recommend the Michael Hyatt episode if you’re not sure where to start.
You can also subscribe to the Podcast from within iTunes here.

image credit goes to David Drury who created it during a ‘Twitter rant’ we were having last evening