Archives For Family

On the recommendation of my buddy at, I picked up a 1lb Star Exploding Target a few weeks ago and just finally today was able to set it off with my dad while visiting their home here in Middleburg.

This was a first for both of us.

We used a 55-gr .223 bullet to impact the target to set it off.

Some info on Star Exploding Targets:

Star Targets are very safe when used as intended and the directions are followed. Once mixed it must be impacted with a high velocity round to set it off, it will not go off if it dropped, shaken, kicked, even lit on fire. You can hit it with a hammer, shoot it with a pistol, or throw it off your roof. It takes about a 40 grain bullet traveling at 2200 FPS directly impacting it to cause it to go off, anything below these requirements will not set it off.

Each target contains two components, a base and a catalyst which is pre-measured for each target and sealed in a bag within the target. To prep the target for use (first read and ensure you understand all directions and safety instructions), simply open the target, remove the catalyst and dump the contents back into the target container. Seal the container back up, mix vigorously for 45 to 60 seconds (the entire contents should be a light grey color with no white left). Place the target at a safe distance and location then you are ready to shoot. Not for human consumption.

I can honestly say that I have NEVER set off such a large explosion in all of my life. These things are absolutely incredible and I can’t wait to get my hands on a few more!

Ezra loves Spider-man. He’s never seen any of the movies, and I doubt if he’s ever seen the cartoon or a physical comic book of Spider-man. And yet he LOVES Spider-man. Jess and I decided to buy Ezra a Spider-man costume this year specifically for our Trunk or Treat event we’re having on 31st. The costume we ordered arrived yesterday and I decided to film Ezra opening the Amazon box this morning.

His reaction did not disappoint:

We had quite a good experience at City Park in Hagerstown, MD this morning after we had dental appointments midway between here and there today. One of our church families lives in Hagerstown and has told us about the park so we were excited to finally have made time to visit it.

Ezra loved the ducks!

Ella’s school had early dismissal today, so I took advantage of it and picked her up. When she saw me through the window she quickly attempted to get me to focus my attention on her mouth. As soon as she was released into my care I found out why – her second baby tooth came out during school today!

When we got back to the truck I pushed record on my phone and tried to get her to re-tell me the story:

(sorry about the audio sync issues, I haven’t yet figured out why this happens with my HTC EVO 4G)

I only hope that this time the Tooth Fairy waits until she is truly asleep to make “the exchange”!

Our area of Pennsylvania has been HAMMERED with rain over the last couple of days. There is extensive flooding in parts of our county and in many of our surrounding counties as well. Here in Shippensburg, however, we have been spared from much of the devastation, thankfully. One of my church members reported measuring 11.75 inches of rain in his backyard over this last week!

Last night after dinner we decided to head out and enjoy some of the puddles left behind by yesterday’s rain showers. We had a blast.