Archives For Family

Sometimes you just have to dance.

Do you remember catching your first fish?

I can’t wait until our son Ezra catches his first fish. Until then, I’m thankful that other people have seen fit to put THEIR first-catches on YouTube.

This HAS to be the cutest:

After an exhausting afternoon and evening as a family I decided to stop by the car wash on the way home for the night.

Ezra didn’t like it. At all.

I did what any father would do in this situation: grabbed the video camera.

You will be happy to know that Ezra is fine and will be starting his car wash phobia therapy next week.

7 Years

6.5.2011 — 3 Comments

Seven years ago today I stood before the Lord, our family and our friends and made a covenant to love and cherish Jessica Marie for the rest of my life.

Thank you Jess for loving me unconditionally these past seven years! I love you!

On Thursday, our 5-year-old Ella graduated from Preschool. I captured some of the program on video (of course).

I also snapped more than 200-photos at the event. Only a fraction of them made it past the ‘cutting room floor’. Here are some of the best: