Archives For Family

It has been an extreme privilege to have my buddy Kory Pence visiting our family for almost a week now. He hasn’t complained once about the fact that we don’t have “real” room for guests and that he has to crash on the couch with no privacy and shares a bathroom with a 5 and 2-year-old.

He doesn’t even complain about the early-morning wake ups from his “adopted” nephew and niece.

This morning I captured Ezra’s “Uncle Kory Wake Up”:

I’m thankful for friends like Kory who adapt and ‘adopt’ well into the Sheets family lifestyle!

(for those wondering if you ever DID crash on our couch and are nervous that your Ezra or Ella “wake up” would be posted on the Internet for the world to see, please rest assured, I received Kory’s permission before posting this!) :)

The continual increase in technology and the ability to report as events are happening via the Internet and television, images of things that would have NEVER been in front of our own eyes or those of our children are continuing to make their way into our homes.

From pictures of waves of water approaching real communities and real people to some of those same people – having lost their lives being left in the streets, these images may be becoming commonplace through our news outlets, but we must admit that there is danger in how they leave indelible marks on our children.

I just watched a 3-minute conversation about this topic that I think provides some good advice while also leaving room for personal-interpretation:

Watch the full episode. See more The Parent Show.

If you cannot see the video, it is also available here.
What do YOU think? How do YOU manage the images that make their way into your homes? Do you limit the influence media has on your children? How?

When I was growing up, my sisters and I would get excited when whatever phone company my parents had would give us free long distance on certain holidays. I remember taking turns calling friends and family that were hours away on holidays that we otherwise wouldn’t have talked to.

It’s amazing how that has all changed within my lifetime. Now we have instant-access to almost anyone with a device that sits in our pocket all day long.

Furthermore we now can video-chat with people who have a similar setup and can put a face-with-the-voice. I love where technology has brought us.

Tonight after our Sunday evening grazing (where we open the fridge and find out what’s left), our kids had some face-time with my parents. We’re heading their way tomorrow for a district meeting and some fellowship, but when a few clicks of a mouse equal face-to-face conversation (albeit difficult to understand on occasion) to finalize some of the details about tomorrow, it was a no-brainer.

Our kids love Skype. I’m pretty sure both sets of their grandparents do, too!

This video gives just a glimpse into the often-overwhelming conversation attempts that take place in our home!

The benefit of receiving something frozen via postal delivery? Good (great!) food AND a generous amount of dry ice in the package!

Yesterday we received such a delivery and after putting the perishables in the freezer I instantly knew what should be done with the remaining dry ice – EXPERIMENTATION!

It is such a joy to watch the excitement of our 5-year-old daughter when we do experiments. I am once-again indebted to Steve Spangler for encouraging us along the way – even before he personally encouraged us! (His book is still on sale here.)

If you don’t have the benefit of receiving dry ice in the mail, you can also (apparently) pick it up at your local grocer for a cost.

Have YOU done anything cool with dry ice before? We’d love to know about it (we still have a pound or two left over – and it’s melting!) – leave a comment letting us know what else we can try!

We bought our awesome safety glasses from

Early this evening I texted Jess letting her know that I was wrapping things up in the office and that I had a spontaneous idea for our evening as a family.

The idea: wake the kids up from naps, grab a blanket, some drinks, and a bucket of chicken from KFC and head up to King’s Gap State Park for a family picnic. I’m so thankful to have married a woman who is willing to be as spontaneous as I am!

We arrived up at the park and ran into the mansion-garden where we spread our blanket, took off our shoes, had a time of prayer together and then dug into our supper!

Only a few bites into our chicken and the rain began to fall. (of course)

We quickly scooped up the kids and the chicken and ran for cover. We found another covered area to finish our meal. We love the mansion at the top of the mountain and have visited there a handful of times now. I’m hoping we have numerous spontaneous picnics this Summer!

On the way home we even spotted a fading-fast rainbow and pulled over to snap a picture. We pulled over beside an Amish farm to take the picture and as I was snapping away, the Amish farmer came out to see what the commotion was for. We exchanged quick chit-chat and I pointed out the rainbow. He then asked, “Do you know what that rainbow means?” I, of course, gave him the scientific reasoning of sunlight and droplets of moisture. Just kidding. I loved being able to declare God’s promise together with my Amish brother! He then asked for me to take his picture. (kidding again)

Some pictures from our evening (after the rain stopped):