Archives For Family

Yesterday I took Jess and our children to Allentown to visit with my Grandpa Miller (I’m not ashamed to tell you that I call him “Pap-Pap”) who is suffering through the late-stages of pancreatic cancer. Hospice is doing their part to make him comfortable as is his dear wife, Alma (Pap-Pap remarried after my grandmother died about 5-years ago).

As our visit in their home neared an end yesterday, the family circled up for closing prayer – as we often do. Before the prayer began, my God-fearing, Christ-trusting Pap-Pap managed to interrupt (in a great way) the closing-sequence of our visit by leading out in a song that is a testimony of the hope he has in Jesus Christ.

I’m thankful for generations on both sides of my family that continue to trust in the Lord and set Godly examples of living out their faith!

Fun Family Videos

3.22.2011 — 3 Comments

Some priceless moments captured in all their digital glory:

Ezra and the trick spider:

Ezra waking up from his Sunday afternoon nap:

I am so thankful for video-recording technology (that can fit in my pocket!) that allows me to capture moments like these!

I spent a majority of today in the office. It was a beautiful day, I wanted to spend time at home with my family, but like often happens, I was behind on some necessary church-work and had to spend the day in the office.

When I finally finished my to-do list, I ran home and offered Jess a spur-of-the-moment evening out of the house. She jumped at the opportunity. Within minutes the kids were dressed for the cooler evening and we were on the way to our “surprise”.

When we arrived at the duck pond here in Shippensburg, Ella exclaimed, “I love this place – I’ve been dreaming of coming here!” That phrase launched us into a terrific evening together just as a family.

More photos from tonight are here.

I love driving Ella to preschool three days a week. The conversations we have are usually quite entertaining.

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

Jessica’s cousin Derek Story is incredibly talented on the acoustic guitar. I was just sent a link to his YouTube channel and had to post a couple of his videos here for your enjoyment:

Visit his YouTube channel here.