Archives For Family

The game of Monopoly has always been one of my favorites. Buying up as many properties as possible and charging as much rent as possible to everyone else is the way to win.

When this happens in real life, it’s not as fun.

Most of us have very few choices when it comes to how we can enjoy televised entertainment due to cable companies and their monopolies.

I recently read a post by Tyler Stanton entitled, “Cancel Cable and Still Watch it All” (Part 1, Part 2) that gave me just the nudge I needed to finish being stuck in “research mode” and make a decision to ditch cable once-and-for-all.

We have been happy Comcast customers for a number of years. Since moving to Pennsylvania, they have been the only option for Cable Internet, so when signing up at our two homes, we have always seemed to get a deal that offered us not only internet, but cable television as well. When we moved here to Shippensburg, we were given a 6-month deal on the package and also a free upgrade which included a DVR! This month we crossed over our 6-month subscription mark and they bounced our bill up by $20/month. I called on three separate occasions and spoke with three different customer service representatives asking about what other options I had and none of them could give me anything better than what our current package included. We even talked about dropping cable television and sticking with Internet-only, but would have only saved $5 and lost all television options.

Disgusted with these options, I started researching DSL. I’ve never been a real fan of DSL – always thinking it was inferior to Cable Internet technology and availability, but was quite pleased at the speeds offered by CenturyLink and was excited by the advertised prices.

One phone call to CenturyLink and an hour-long conversation with “Anna” netted us a deal on Internet-only DSL (this is not an advertised feature, but when I asked, they told me it was possible!). We were paying for 6Mb/s speed Cable Internet through Comcast, but this DSL promises 10Mb/s speeds and would cost us less than our current TV/Internet package.

The downside, of course is the loss of all television-programming including the DVR option that our family has grown to love so much (no commercials, recording our favorite shows automatically, pausing live TV, etc.)

At the same time we have been researching Internet options, we were also looking at television-options available over the web.

Our family landed on Netflix for a few reasons. #1, we subscribed for only $7.99/month which after subscribing STILL keeps us at around $20 LESS than what we were paying for Cable & Internet through Comcast! #2, Netflix offers instant-viewing on our television thanks to our Blu-Ray player. #3, contrary to some people’s thoughts, Netflix offers a wide-range of Children’s programming that made the choice to get rid of cable and go with Netflix an easier pill to swallow.

There are a few setbacks to removing cable completely – especially for a family like ours that does enjoy numerous television series together and individually. Not every show that we like to watch (NCIS, The Mentalist) is available through Netflix (yet), but we continue to make use of the likes of and even to watch some of our favorites that are made available usually the day-after the original air date.

We also decided to invest in an over-the-air antenna to attempt to pick up whatever local channels were available to us. I was actually hoping to pick up our local FOX channel so that I could pull in the Super Bowl a few weeks ago. Sadly, after hooking it up, FOX is the one local network we don’t get.

After almost a month of making the switch, I think we’re very pleased with the change. Saving money is terrific and what we have gained continues to surprise us! We’re continuing to take advantage of full seasons of Dora the Explorer, Backyardigans, and Wonder Pets (and many more) through our new Netflix account.

Have questions about our switch from Cable TV to Internet-only? Ask them in the comments and we’ll keep this conversation going!

My dad has been a pastor for my entire life. That fact instantly places me into the “pastor’s kid” category with the likes of Katy Perry, the Jonas Brothers, NBA coach Phil Jackson, and even famed actor Denzel Washington.

Growing up in the church there were obvious expectations about me and my sisters as a result in us being PK’s. I think we knew about most of the expectations from those within and those outside of the church, but my parents did a great job of sheltering us from some of those expectations and allowed us to grow up “normal”.

As a pastor’s kid, I honestly tried to convince myself to never become a pastor. I was willing to break the family tradition of going into the ministry even with a grandfathers and great-great-grandfathers who pastored local congregations. I’m thankful that the Lord had other plans and I can honestly say that I don’t believe my own father ever “pressured” me to become a pastor.

Sure there was the “listen to this Injoy Life Club tape by Dr. James Maxwell and write me a page-full of notes and I’ll give you $5″ ploy to challenge me in ministry-related leadership. That ‘job’ of listening to those tapes and writing out those notes netted me numerous opportunities to visit the fireworks stands and feed my pyromania. Thanks, Dad!

Even without “pressure” to become a pastor or go into some sort of full-time ministry opportunity, there is something natural now that I am, in fact, IN full-time ministry in a local church setting. I attribute some of it to growing up ‘in’ the church. Sometimes quite literally – when the church and our home were connected by a simple doorway, some of the rooms in the church were our playrooms!

I’m thankful for those years growing up and singing as a family, visits with my dad to the nursing home, hospitals, and people’s homes. I’m thankful for seeing ministry played out not just from the pulpit but also in real-time in our living room and around the kitchen table.

And I’m proud to carry on the ministry-life heritage that the Lord has blessed numerous generations of the Sheets-family with. I’m humbled (and often petrified) that God would choose to have me pastor a congregation in a community like ours.

And I’m willing. I’m willing to continue to commit my whole-life to His service – to do His will – to follow His leading. And to lead my family as a God-fearing, Christ-following dad who also happens to be a pastor.

And of course I’ll speculate about what my kids’ experience with the church will mean for their futures. My prayer is that they too will experience Jesus first and fall in love with Him so that they can learn to love His broken church as much as He does.

Last night before worship team practice, Ella & Ezra were dancing around on the stage (as all good pastor’s kids learn to do) and they both picked up microphones to mimic Mommy & Daddy…

Ella also blessed us with a verse of “Jesus Loves Me”.

I have to share something that happened this morning in our worship service. During our prayer time, we had two people who we were anointing with oil. One was a man and the other a woman. I asked a few men to surround the man and we prayed for his upcoming surgery and then he and the men sat down. When I asked the lady to come forward, I also asked for a few women to come forward and lay hands on the woman who is battling cancer. When I made the “ask” for ladies, Jess came forward and right behind her was Ella, our 4-year-old!

I was super-impressed that my awesome daughter was willing to come forward during the time of prayer and it was nearly an hour after service that my wife told me that not only did Ella come forward with her, but she ASKED to come forward AND she didn’t just stand there – she laid HER hands on this cancer-battling-lady as we prayed for her! How cool is THAT?!

I am so thankful for my wonderful family – and more-importantly, that the Lord is already working on-and-through my little girl!

A few weeks ago I began hearing about the book, “Heaven is for Real”, written by Todd Burpo. Todd is the pastor of Crossroads Wesleyan Church in Imperial, Nebraska. I was initially interested in the book simply because a fellow Wesleyan Pastor was published and apparently the book was gaining in popularity. When I read the description of the book, I knew I needed to get a hold of it sooner-than-later.

Late last night I was reading through my Twitter feed and saw that one of my buddies about 3/4 of the way through the book and was obviously impacted by what he was reading. I made the decision to buy the book through my Amazon Kindle app on my Android phone and literally within seconds I was reading. A sample-chapter of the book is available if you’re interested.

The story follows the Burpo family through months of trying times all culminating with their 3-year-old son Colton’s appendix bursting and his near-death. A few months after this incident, while on a family-trip, Colton began to reveal that during his surgery he actually visited Heaven. The details with which Colton described his time in Heaven are absolutely incredible. I am grateful to the Burpo family for allowing readers to be brought into this incredible story.

As I read the book, there were a few times where I literally dropped my phone to my chest (was reading it on my Kindle app) and gasped in disbelief. I was in awe at how the details continued to be revealed to the family as Colton continued to let them in on his experience in Heaven.

Personally, Colton’s story drew me back to an experience I had with my older sister Stacia while she was still here and suffering through her bout with cancer. On a Sunday afternoon with her eyes still shut she exclaimed to those of us in her hospital room that she “saw stairs”. I cannot recall exactly how much time lapsed, but I believe it was over the next couple of hours she gave us a play-by-play of her experience of visiting Heaven. She was twelve years old. I remember instantly-interpreting her description of what she was seeing and being fascinated that God was giving her a glimpse of her eternal home. She mentioned meeting family members that she did not know here on earth. I remember her getting quiet for some time and then exclaiming loudly, “I found the babies!” as we all quickly returned to her bedside for the update on what she was experiencing. It was after that experience that my sister had a new-found peace in being ready to leave this world for her eternal home with Jesus. That experience has left indelible marks upon my heart.

When I think about ‘visions of Heaven’, I can’t help but be skeptical. I approach these kinds of things with hazy glasses – wondering how much of any account can be trusted as a genuine source or actual testimony. Much of the Christian world does the same. We’re even quick to quote passages like 1 Corinthians 2:9 – But as it is written: “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.” When we do this, we make the mistake that we do more often than not of taking the Bible out of context. In the very next verse (10), the Apostle Paul writes, “But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God.” This gives me assurance that indeed God does reveal some of these “hidden” things by His Spirit. And as we look at the whole of Scripture we see picture-after-picture of the glory and awe that awaits the faithful who find rest in eternity.

I don’t know what parts of the Heaven-visions in Scripture or in accounts like “Heaven is for Real” are symbolic or literal, but God’s Word is not cryptic in revealing that Heaven and Hell are real places and are the only two options when we leave this earth.

“Heaven is for Real: A Little Boy’s Astounding Story of His Trip to Heaven and Back” is an excellent book. It is well-written and provides a fascinating inside-peak into the lives and experiences of the Burpo family as they experienced the supernatural. I highly recommend reading the book and from experience can say that it is nearly impossible to put down.

The book is available on Amazon right now at 48% off.

Have you read the book? I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!

The Sunday before Christmas it was a special honor to have Rev. Walter Malaza, Wesleyan District Superintendent in Swaziland with us at First Wesleyan. He spoke powerfully on our need to know what we’re doing for Christ.

On Christmas Eve we had around 70 people join together for our worship & candlelight service! I have continued to hear how special that service was for many of our church people and their friends and family that came with them.

This past Sunday I finished up our series, “Come Together” with a sermon entitled, “Love that changes the world”. Sermon audio is available here on our church website.

As 2010, draws to a close, I am excited about what God is going to continue to do in and through our church in the coming year! Please continue to pray for our family and our ministry at First Wesleyan – we are trusting the Lord for great things!