Archives For Family

This morning Pastor Tim made announcements in both of our morning services that Jess and I have sensed God’s calling again at this stage of our life to pursue something outside of our current ministry situation.

We believe that His calling is outside of traditional youth ministry and we are anxious to begin pursuing any possibilities that God begins to bring our way.

Please join me and Jess as we pray for God-clarity in knowing our next-steps. We plan to fulfill our ministry duties at Armbrust Wesleyan through the next few months and transition after the 1st week in July.

We understand first-hand the faith-leap that resigning without the ‘next step’ in place, and we are excited to see just how God provides for his faithful servants through this transition!

I am doing all that I can to make my resume available to as many as would take a look at it. If you have interest, please visit the online version here – – there is also a downloadable .pdf version available here.

Day off gaming.

3.1.2010 — 2 Comments

Last night when I reminded Ella, “tomorrow is my day off!” Her over-joyous response was, “It is?! We can play games tomorrow morning!”

As soon as the sleep was out of our eyes this morning we broke out the Wii Fit board and game and enjoyed a few hours of randomness! Now that my wonderful Palm Pre phone takes video I can capture quick-moments of adorable-ness like the following taken from this morning’s Wii Fitness Workouts!

This is why I bought a DSLR camera:

Ella LOVES black olives – even after I told her that they’re really little penguin poops!