Archives For Family

Mom Garrett just asked for an Ezra/Ella-fix with some pictures!

I’ve been uploading our latest pictures to my Picasa account when I find time – sometimes they make their way to the frontpage. Sometimes they don’t.

For those of you who NEED picture-updates on the family – bookmark this link NOW

Captured these precious moments this morning before heading to the office:


6.6.2009 — 4 Comments

Yesterday Jess and I celebrated 5-years of marriage!

5-years! Unbelievable! We exclaimed yesterday that neither of us had even a smidge of an idea that in 5-years we’d be parents of two or even ONE child!

It’s amazing to think back at what God has brought us through these past 5-years!

I am SO thankful to be sharing my life with my best friend, Jessica!

If you were at our wedding, you were entertained by the following video after the ceremony. I just found this video and thought it would be humorous to share it here online!

Priceless moments:

I’ve been spending a lot of time with Ella these last couple of days that we’ve been home. This morning we drove to Lowe’s and enjoyed shopping for ant-killer. Good times.

This afternoon, Ella spent some time with her brother on the floor. We captured a couple photos and a video that will make it online soon!

From 20090602 – Ella & Ezra