Archives For Family

This morning the hospital photographer came in and took some great shots of our son and then tried to sell us a $1,000,000 photo collage of her great shots. We agreed to spend only $30 on a smaller package instead. We were also given access to a “secure” website where previews of the four pictures were located. The “secure” part means they are not able to be saved off the website.

Well, we got around that. :)

Tonight during my daddy/daughter date with Ella, she gave me some great information on Ezra that I’m so glad we captured on camera!

Today Ezra was FINALLY able to be brought back into our room – what a pleasant surprise! So grateful to the Lord for seeing us through this time!

Here’s a quick clip of Mommy and Ezra, reunited!

Ezra Collage

5.30.2009 — Leave a comment

Pastor Tim txted me tonight and asked for “a photo” of Ezra with Mommy or Daddy to put up on the screen tomorrow at church for an announcement.

I couldn’t pick just one, of course, so I created this:


Here is a quick clip of Ezra from early this afternoon. You can see a bit of his labored breathing in this clip. Keep on praying for our little boy!

In the background you are hearing my mother carrying on a conversation with Ezra’s nurse about her son’s (me!) breathing problems following his (mine!) c-section birth.