Archives For Linkage

dos-equis-manIt seems that the ‘conversation’ (read: “heated debate“) about alcohol and the church has been reignited in more than one of my social-circles lately. From family members to ministry-peers -the subject of alcohol and the church is a topic with a wide-range of (strong) opinions from people with a wide-range of personal experiences.

While I have a personal-conviction against consuming alcohol because of its ill-effects on individuals, families, and society and, similarly, a community-conviction (as a pastor and covenant member of the Wesleyan Church), I do still see GREAT benefit in having an ongoing conversation about the topic.

I have friends and family members on both sides of the “to drink or not to drink” argument and have myself been tempted to cut the conversation short in the attempt to ease the tension that arises out of disagreement. I find that when either side is unwilling to converse about their opinion (and this goes with any topic) we arrive at a dangerous dead end that can easily lead to legalism on the teetotaler side or the possibility of the so-called “slippery slope” of debauchery on the other.

Conversation, then, is important if we’re to maintain a healthy relationship with those inside the Church AND to “walk in wisdom toward outsiders” (Col. 4:5). In my family, our “conversation” has already begun – even with a 4- and 7-year-old. Thanks to commercials from the “World’s Most Interesting Man” (Dos Equis) and other advertisements (they’re literally EVERYwhere) we’re already talking about alcohol, its effects, our experiences, our convictions, and our family’s response.

I’m thankful to others who hold a similar conviction to me (and my theological tradition) who have recently engaged in the conversation and I think they’re recent posts are worth noting:

A caution for every Christian that drinks alcohol” by Pastor Nathan Rouse has gained a bit of traction since it was posted on January 1st. Nearly 700-comments have already been posted as a part of the “ongoing conversation”. From Pastor Rouse’s post:

Like it or not, people hold Christians to a higher standard (as they should). Do you love alcohol so much that you’re willing to let your witness be tarnished? Do you love your “freedom” so much that you could care less how it affects another brother or sister?

This isn’t about rules being broken. This is about loving our brother and sister enough to limit our freedom in Christ so as to not cause them to stumble.

Dealing with Alcoholism: My Interview with an Anonymous Pastor and Recovering Alcoholic” by Ed Stetzer also appeared first on January 1st and brings a bit more to the table in way of statistics and resource-links.

If we need any ‘proof’ that alcohol (and its excessive use) is anything we need to be talking about in the first place, please click-thru some of this list of alcohol-related headlines I found:

  • Drunk Florida Man Tries to Use Taco as ID After His Car Catches Fire at Taco Bell
  • Drunk Man Arrested For Assault With a Burrito
  • Drunk man nearly ships self across Pacific
  • Drunk falls asleep behind the wheel at Burger King drive-through window — for 2 solid hours
  • Georgia man runs into burning home to save beer
  • Drunk safari guide charges wild elephant [VIDEO]
  • Drunk man IMPALED on fence after trying to sneak into pub’s Christmas party
  • Drunk man in clown makeup accused of dangling child from overpass
  • ‘Drunk’ Louisiana man rides horse into a bar before lassoing a man and dragging him around the parking lot
  • Drunk Man Arrested Nude In A Neighbor’s Dryer
  • Florida Man Arrested After Getting Drunk, Shooting Guns, Pooping Pants
  • Drunk Florida Man Attacks Three Disney World Cast Members
  • Complaint: Drunk Man Appears In Burnsville Home, Breaks Toilet
  • (even more ‘Drunk’ headlines here)

    The recent news-blast of school closings due to weather-related issues has me thinking . . .

    Remember when your parents or grandparents would tell the story of how difficult they had it in their day? The story of walking to school included an impossible route that required them to march up a steep-sloped hill on both their going and coming – often with 3-or-more feet of snow covering the ground and maybe even the threat of real-life trolls hanging out beneath the bridge they had to cross. I heard this and similarly drawn-out, embellished stories and truthfully, I have even adapted my own! To my school-aged daughter I’ve complained about my own ‘trials’ of having to wait for the bus in Middle School at a bus stop within sight of our house’s front door (if you turned your head just right).

    This morning I happened upon a collection of pictures of real kids with REAL stories-worth-telling of their difficult walks to school.

    You can see all 17 pictures (and accurate descriptions) here.

    Kind of puts things into a different perspective, no?

    These picture-stories remind me of the now-viral video “First-world Problems Anthem” that made its rounds last year:

    What do you think? Are we (as an American culture) too-quick to cancel school (or complain about our first-world problems with getting there) all the while neglecting to even THINK about what others are dealing with to pursue their opportunity for education?

    Unique Chess Set

    12.30.2013 — 1 Comment

    I totally missed out on the opportunity to get my chess-master father the most unique Christmas gift ever this year.

    Can you imagine his delight on Christmas morning if he would have opened a wrapped chess set made completely of taxidermied mice?

    From the Etsy (where else?) page of this one-of-a-kind item:

    This delightfully deceased taxidermy chess set is sure to get peoples attention. Every mouse was a unique creature in life, making each piece of this set a one of kind creation. Hand stuffed by me, but created by the guy upstairs (or whoever you believe created mice).
    The set includes 16 light colored mice and 16 dark mice, in various sizes, pawns being the smallest. Set comes complete with wooden hand painted chess board, and storage case (not pictured)
    All specimens were acquired from a captive breeding facility that distributes frozen rodents for reptile feeding, so don’t feel sad if these little guys were not battling it out on the chess board they would be deep in the belly of a snake.

    The Ark Encounter

    10.18.2013 — 1 Comment

    arkencAIG just released a new video clip giving us a perspective of the first-phase of their latest project that is still in its funding-stage, “The Ark Encounter“.

    I cannot wait for this project to be fully funded and built, and to make plans for our family to visit! We’ve already been blown-away at AIG’s Creation Museum when we had the chance to visit there this past Summer.

    Watch this great, short video from K-Love featuring some powerful testimony from Jase and Missy Robertson of Duck Dynasty fame –

    (Embedded video. If you can’t see it, click here.)