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  • 66,000 compostable and biodegradable cups
  • nearly 4,000 gallons (15,000 liters) of colored rainwater
  • 2 pounds (1 kg) of vegetable dye
  • more than 100 volunteers
  • 62 hours of work
  • placed end to end the 66,000 cups would measure 3.2 miles (5.2 km) long

(if you can’t see the embedded video, please click here]

Created by the artist, Belo.

61QMTFgae9L._SY300_The new book, “Happy Happy Happy: My Life and Legacy as the Duck Commander” by Phil Robertson is due to release in early May. I have already pre-ordered it and can’t wait to read his story!

I found these three great promotional video clips today that tell the story of Phil Robertson, his conversion to Jesus, how his multi-million dollar business began, and a special message to fans of the show “Duck Dynasty”.

When asked why they created the new The Bible Series, producers Roma Downey & Mark Burnett said, “We have run into people that have thought – believe it or not – that Joan of Arc was Noah’s wife, or that Sodom & Gomorrah lived happily ever after.”

Great interview from ABC News here:

(can’t see the video? click here)

Featuring THE Dr. Wilbur Williams

It’s great to see our denomination posting the sermons from our recent Wesleyan Youth Convention in Louisville, KY on December 28-31 (Follow ’12) on YouTube!

Here are the four messages currently available:

Friday, December 28th | General Session 1 | John Vermilya
Working with Kingdom Building Ministries, John Vermilya travels the world sharing messages that focus on the call to authentic Christianity.

(can’t see the video? click here)

Saturday, December 29th | General Session 3 | Troy Evans
Serving in a community where prostitution, drugs, and gangs are common, Troy Evans is the lead pastor of The Edge, a hip-hop church in Grand Rapids, MI.

(can’t see the video? click here)

Sunday, December 30th | General Session 4 | Keith Loy
In 1999 he and his family moved to Sioux Falls, SD to plant Celebrate Community Church. As lead pastor, they have grown to over 4000 in attendance. Keith endeavors to nurture others talents of leadership, creativity, and excellence.

(can’t see the video? click here)

Sunday, December 30th | General Session 5 | Derek Idol
Derik Idol is a gifted communicator who loves seeing people far from God come to Jesus, knowing that their life will never be the same.

(can’t see the video? click here)