Facebook celebrates 10-years today. As such they’ve offered a “look back” at each users’ history using their social network.
I found a way to download my personalized “look back” using Google’s Chrome browser and quickly uploaded it to YouTube to archive it and make it share-able here on my blog.
What a treat it was to wake up to a 5AM phone call alerting us to the fact that there would be no school today due to the snowstorm!
We went back to bed for a couple hours not expecting the snow to be ‘as bad as they said it could be’, but we were all pleasantly surprised that we did have about four inches of wonderful, pack-able, playable snow!
After a spontaneous pancake-and-egg breakfast we bundled up and headed out!
A snowman and snow fort were our biggest priorities and I’m please to announce we accomplished both!
I decided to set up my GoPro for my latest pen-turning adventure. This was the first time I’ve tried to film one of these ‘makes’, so there is much more to be desired in the future.
This pen is from an authentic Olive wood blank from Bethlehem and is absolutely gorgeous. Olive wood continues to be my favorite wood for turning because if it’s incredible deep grain patterns.
For the past two years I’ve had the privilege of joining my father and the Men’s Ministry at Port Ann Wesleyan Church (where my dad pastors) for their annual rabbit hunt. This year nearly 30-men split up in teams of 4, 5, and 6 and took off to various locations around Snyder County, PA for a day of fellowship and hunting. We all reconvened back at the church by 2PM to share our stories and crown the team with the most bagged game.
Last year our team of four got skunked without even a shot fired to our team. This year thankfully, we fared a bit better with three rabbits and a squirrel among our team of six. That amount, however, pales in comparison to the winning-team this year who brought home 11-rabbits and 2-squirrels to win for the second year in a row. I’m still not convinced that one of their team members doesn’t have a well-stocked rabbit pen that they visit each year. :)
I carried my chest-mounted GoPro this year and captured a couple hours of crawling-through-the-brush footage with only a few highlights to account for the almost 6-hours we were in the woods. Here is an almost 3-minute video from the hunt:
Thanks, Port Ann Wesleyan for inviting this out-of-county-er to come and join in the hunt! I’m already looking forward to next year!
“Babies are Murdered Here” is a new 54-minute film that was just released on YouTube by Crown Rights Media.
I watched it early this morning, the day-after our nation celebrated the 41st anniversary of legalizing abortion via the Rowe v. Wade legislation.
I believe this film serves as a powerful reminder to the Pro-Life-by-label community of the often-overlooked reality of what continues to take place right under our noses in the abortion mills in communities like ours.
Abortion is Murder. This should not be a taboo sentence that Christians are afraid of admitting. This is the stark reality that we’re becoming less-and-less willing to admit for sake of offending. The political correctness mindset has infiltrated the Church and we need to take notice.
Please set aside the 54-minutes required to view this film:
My two favorite quotes from RC Sproul Jr in the movie come near the end and I think are part of what sets this film apart from others like it:
“Now, can Jesus atone for this sin? For all those who repent and turn to Him – most assuredly he can. It doesn’t change what happened. Doesn’t change the nature of the crime. It doesn’t even change what would happen with a just legal system, but it does change the eternity of the person who commits the sin.
It’s a mistake to think that because Jesus can forgive this it’s not a big deal. And it’s a mistake to think that it’s such a big deal that Jesus can’t forgive.”
“It is not just an ordinary murder . . . it’s a wicked, wicked, vile thing, and we need to say so without diminishing the depth and scope and power of the grace of God in Jesus Christ.“
Find out more about the film and how to advance its effectiveness at crownrights.org/babies
About the opportunity and responsibility we have to speak out against the reality and horrors of abortion I choose to remember – in the words of one of my favorite hip-hop theologians: Heath McNease, “I’m too alive to be idle.“