Archives For Videos


Ray Comfort: “Do you think Evolution is a belief?”
Man/Woman on the street: “No, it’s science.”

This video by Ray Comfort and Living Waters is a powerful glimpse at how Evolution is NOT observational science. Ray does a great job at explaining adaptation and how what most people consider to be Evolution isn’t at all what Darwin theorized.

Please watch this video and pass it along!

If you can’t see the embedded video, click here.


iwuMy alma mater, Indiana Wesleyan University just released some incredible, well-produced promotional videos featuring students in different areas of education. As a graduate, I’m quite proud of the education I personally received from this great institution AND the level of excellence they continue to promote from the education they continue to provide to hundreds of graduates each year!

The videos are worth watching to get a personal glimpse into what a student in each of the highlighted divisions experiences and receives as a student at IWU.








7minuteToday’s Seven Minute (it’s actually 10-minutes this time) Seminary from Asbury Theological Seminary is, in a word, FANTASTIC!

Listen to Dr. Laurence Wood discuss the relationship between predestination, holiness, and science.

My favorite quote from Dr. Wood that helps explain the Armenian understanding of predestination, God’s Omniscience, and our own free will (I tried to fix it a bit for sake of writing it out):

“. . . God knows everything – but what causes God’s knowledge is what WILL BE and what WILL BE is not determined by God’s knowledge . . .”

If that quote doesn’t cause you to want to watch this full clip, I’m not sure what else will!

If the embedded video won’t play for you, the video is here.

You can watch all of the Seven Minute Seminary videos from Asbury by going to this link.

cropUhm. Wow. This one left me speechless and emotional.

This video is going viral, rightfully. Thank you to my sister for sharing it with me just moments ago. Thank you, Robertsons Drinks for getting it right!

Happy almost-Mother’s Day!

(Rhett & Link’s YO MAMA BATTLE)