Last evening, Heaven gained one of the most notarized Gospel-singing voices on earth as George Beverly Shea passed from this life into his eternal dwelling at the age of 104.
For more than 60 years, George Beverly Shea had carried the Gospel in song to every continent and state in the Union through Billy Graham’s Crusades. As the musical mainstay in Graham’s crusades, Shea was often called “America’s Beloved Gospel Singer,” and was also considered, “the first international singing ‘star’ of the gospel world.” Through music and the proclamation of the Word, Bev Shea and Mr. Graham have shared the saving faith of Jesus Christ to millions. –
The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association has setup the “George Beverly Shea Memorial” here –
The world took notice of Shea’s passing and the Tweets began to flow:
Billy Graham statement on George Beverly Shea: “His contributions to my ministry cannot be measured in human terms.”
Shea, who grew up in a Wesleyan parsonage and attended IWU’s Wesleyan sister institution, Houghton College, sang for more than 220 million people in his life and was a soloist at many of the Rev. Billy Graham’s evangelistic rallies. He received a standing ovation at the 2010 Grammy Awards when he received a Lifetime Achievement Grammy (his second win at the Grammy Awards, at which he received ten nominations over the years). – IWU’s Spectrum post
As a good (read: ‘naive & uneducated’) Protestant, I have chosen to remain “out of the know” of many of the details within the Catholic church. One of those ‘Catholic details’ I’ve remained in the dark about is their Holy City (a 110-acre country, actually) and hub of all-things Catholic, The Vatican.
I stumbled onto this video this week that gives a fast-paced explanation of some of the details of how the Vatican came to existence, how it functions, and how truly powerful the Pope is. I think it’s worth sharing –
Curious about Wesleyan theology? Need a refresher-course on why Wesleyans believe what they believe? You MUST watch this short (not even 7-minutes!) video from Dr. Ben Witherington III (Amos Professor of New Testament for Doctoral Studies at Asbury Theological Seminary and on the doctoral faculty at St. Andrews University in Scotland) where he discusses why he considers the Wesleyan understanding of the gospel to be the most faithful to Scripture.
A couple quotes from the video:
“In the Wesleyan presentation of the gospel, there’s a balance here . . . There’s a balance between faith and good works. There’s a balance between personal spiritual holiness and social holiness. There’s a balance between justification and sanctification. There’s a balance between God’s role in our life and what God enables us to do on behalf of the Kingdom and for the sake of His church.”
– Dr. Witherington III
“The truth of the matter is that the Wesleyan gospel is the one that is most optimistic about the sovereignty and power and grace of God – and that’s the chief reason I’m a Wesleyan.”
– Dr. Witherington III
David Green – the CEO of Hobby Lobby was inducted into Indiana Wesleyan University’s “Society of World Changers” and he spoke at the University convocation on April 3, 2013.
In his speech, Green highlights the influence of his parents, his mentors, and his loving wife Barbara (52 years married).
Hobby Lobby started in 1970 when David Green borrowed $600 to start making picture frames in his garage.
Some tweets from the convocation from those present:
David Green, demonstrated to us today that even in today’s world you can still make a difference and it only takes faith.