Wow. Just had an opportunity to be reminded of the importance of friendship.
This morning after our third service I was doing the handshake thing as people were leaving and heard my name used in the hallway. I glanced around and saw two familiar faces. As my brain quickly compared those faces with my internal Rolodex I quickly recognized Bob and Linda Moore from Chesnee, SC!
They were on the highway today on their way back to SC and saw a sign for New Stanton being a mere 30 miles out of their way! They took a chance and came into church just in time to hear the sermon.
We quickly made some things happen to have lunch with them and they treated us to Cracker Barrel! It was so great spending just a couple hours with them and catching up on how much life has happened since we’d last seen them (3 years ago!)
Bob and Linda attended the two churches my dad pastored in SC, they were at our wedding in Warsaw, IN and probably a hundred-other life-moments in my life as I grew up in SC!
So, my life-lesson today has been that I DESPERATELY want to be the kind of friend that Bob and Linda are to my family to those I call my friends. It’s authentic, unassuming, and Christ-filled!
As Bob and Linda left our house from a short after-lunch visit, I thanked God for friends like them! Thank you Lord for those people in our lives who seek to make us feel special!